F&F Season 6 Episode 2: Rob Desborough of Seraphim

After an extended summer break, due to personal reasons, its nice to be back broadcasting and publishing season 6 of FUNDstars and FOUNDstars, where our guest was Rob Desborough,  the CEO of Seraphim Space Accelerator, and a partner in the Seraphim Space Fund.

There is no disguising Space is hot  and Rob provides an array of opinions on several hot topics:

===> How Seraphim is the largest investment group focused on Space privately, and launched the first listed Space fund

===> They are one of the pre-eminent Accelerators building businesses covering all aspects of Space

===>  How Space is set to become a $1trillion investment market by the end of the decade, from $1.6n when Rob set up Seraphim in 2014 and now is the time to be investing in this space

===> 100,000 Satellites will be in space by 2030 and private Space Stations will be in orbit by 2028

===> That Space offers so many opportunities in Mining, Datacentre, Optimisation of  Science & Materials, industry 4.0/industry 5.0 and  life in general

===> 13 of the 15 biggest VC funds in the world have invested into space

So, listen on here for other amazing Space star gems from Rob

On a lighter note,
My mum was a Trekkie and I’ve been a space nerd since watching 007’s Moonraker movie and skiving off school to watch the Space Shuttle’s land in the 80’s in the Nevada Desert, so this pod was right up my street.

More recently I am fixated by aliens, via Invasion on AppleTV – so if you love space, want to invest in it or generally get more of an understanding of what’s going on…I recommend taking 30 minutes to listen to this episode.